Differences in Cats Based on Race

The term for cats in the community can be different if it is in a particular community or circle. There are several separate types of cats that are popular with the terms domestic, native or local, mixdom and race. From when this designation, has differences and similarities you need to know.

 1. Domestic Cat

 Domestic cats are also often called native cats, local or other terms that characterize the type that is thought to originate from the natural origin.

 Indonesia, which is known for its diversity of animals, for local cats turns out to have the name of the raas cat. Animals originating from Raas Island are also often referred to as madura cats.

 Reported by the Bogor Institute of Agriculture entitled 'Hunting Madurese Cats' published in 2014 explained, Raas is a type of natural cat that has not been mixed and mutated with other races, so to find this race has been said to be rare.

 In 2016 alone, the original wilderness habitat is estimated to be less than 100.

 Almost every country has each original cat that has a unique physical mark, like this Madurese cat with physical features on the face and body appearance that has similarities such as leopard or forest cat.

 Other physical features such as square shape on the top side but tend to taper on the chin when looking at the face in detail.

 Appearance of the Raas cat is proportional to the larger body part of a common cat, another uniqueness is the part of the ear that rises up and wide. From the special mark that is often owned it is said to have closeness like a jungle cat.

 Many colors are seen on Raas's body, popularly known as buso and amethyst.

 Buso in Madura society characterizes a plain bluish gray (blue). Signs of color like this, are also identical to the Russians blue and British shorthair cats.

 Amethyst is identical to the color brown like the color of the burmese cat.

 Some physical characteristics of the Raas cat

 1. dark green and dark green eye colors

 2. eye shape is not too large and tends to be oval

 3. short, bluish gray or plain brown short fur coat.

2. Mixdome Cats

 Mixdome cats are different breeds of marriage to cats that are usually more than 2 breeds. The marriage of cat breeds can be caused naturally or by human assistance.

 Mix dome cats are almost similar to hybrids that occur due to marriage with wild cats, such as those of African wild cats.

 Some special features in mix dome or hydride cats such as:

 1. have better intelligence

 2. active and great curiosity

 3. Certain genes can like water

 4. tend to be familiar with humans.

 3. Certain breeds of cats

 Certain breeds of cat are a type that many humans maintain in their homes as pets. The appearance of certain breeds of cats is the result of a marriage made through selection for certain things, such as physical strength, body shape, soft fur coat and other selections that are taken into consideration. Some cat animals such as races, Turkish Angora, Britannia short fur coat, Persian, Peterbaid.