Additional Cat Members, New Challenges

One day in December the Little One left for two days. The baby is born. I am guessing how many kittens there are. But only a week later he brought the baby. One kitten.

One of my cats just died of illness. Then a kitten appears. This is life, there is death and also life.

Having a new family member in the form of a kitten is a challenge. Already many memories of baby cat stories that make me sad. It takes the strength and will of the kitten to survive and grow into a kitten and adult cat.

Already a dozen kittens were born in my home environment. Not all of them managed to become adult cats. There are sick, also some because of poor luck like being hit by a vehicle. My cats that managed to become adult cats included Nero, Coki, and the Tiny. There are also some cats that decide to become stray cats and only stop at mealtime.

Vulnerable times for the cat's life phase are infancy. At that time they really need the support of their parents. Twice there was a mother cat that had the baby blues syndrome. They left the baby kitten just like that.

I once tried caring for the kittens. They look like baby mice with small bodies and eyes closed. I was a bit timid about caring for her and trying to feed her cat milk instead

But apparently the role of the mother is very important at the age of those who are still two days. I could not save them.

Now when Tiny brings her baby, I hope Tiny can be a good mother cat. He was originally a lively and naughty cat. But fortunately later he managed to become a good cat mama. At least he wants to breastfeed and cleanse the baby's body.

Now the kitten is three weeks old. The Tiny trying to wean her child. She starts kicking if her child approaches her to breastfeed. While the child himself is not interested in eating food other than the mother's milk.

Diseases that commonly accompany kittens begin to emerge. His eyes are a bit rough and a bit cold. I tried to make it bask in the sun, unfortunately the weather continued to be cloudy.

I dripped kitten eye drops. He looked in pain maybe because he felt sore in his eyes. But slowly his eyes began to improve. Hopefully he gets well soon.

The presence of the kitten gives color to my life. He began to agile and ran here and there. His funny behavior makes me feel exasperated.

I hope the kitten can grow up to adulthood. With the new members, now my cat is back, four of them, Nero, Tiny, Coki, and the kitten that I haven't named yet.

When the kitten grows, the challenges will be even greater. Keeping a cat needs commitment. There are costs for food, health checks, and of course affection.

Welcome to our new family member. Hopefully you grow into a healthy cat and not naughty.