5 Types of pet cats, popular, unique, and friendly

Keeping a pet is one of its own hobbies for everyone who loves animals.  Basically, pets are living things that are deliberately maintained and cared for by humans.

 Many pet choices that you can care for, for example dogs, birds, fish, cats, rabbits, and many others.  Well, one of the most popular animals, namely cats.  Cats are classified as loving animals, cute and adorable.

 Speaking of pet cats, of course there are many kinds.  The pet cat itself was chosen because it is able to be friendly with people.  Because the body shape is filled with beautiful and dense fur makes children to adults love animals, and their unique colors make anyone want to care for them.

 This animal apparently can improve mood and relieve stress the owner with his adorable behavior.  By raising pets, you can also learn about responsibilities.  For example, it must be routine and timely to feed pets.  Now for those of you who want to have a pet cat, there are several types that you can keep.

1. Persian Cat.

One of the most well-known and most sought after types of pet cats is the Persian cat.  This cat has the characteristics of a long hair, thick, and round-faced, and pug nose.

 Persian cats are also among the most expensive cats in the world.  As the name suggests, this cat is the first cat found in Persia or Iran.

 To maintain this cat, of course you have to set aside a sufficient budget for its care.  Persian cats are breeds that require routine care.  It's no wonder that these cats mostly behave spoiled, affectionate, and loyal.

 Persian cats have several more types, you know, among them, Persian Peaknose, Persian Flatnose, Persian Himalayan, and Persian medium.  For the price of one cat, it ranges from Rp 500 thousand to Rp 2 million.

2. Angora Cat.

Many people like the Angora cat because of its white fur like snow.  Just as the name suggests, the origin of this cat is from Ankara, Turkey.

 This breed of cat is one that is favored to be kept, but in Indonesia it is rarely there because it is not permitted and restricted by Turkey.

 Apart from its fur, it can attract attention, this animal is also active and agile to be a playmate at home.  The characteristics are different from Persian cats, Anggora's fur on the head is not too long.

 Anggora cats also have fairly wide ears at the bottom and large cone to the end of the ear like a triangle.  For the price itself, it ranges from Rp. 1 million to Rp. 2 million.

3. Siamese Cat.

This Siamese cat comes from Thailand.  This cat was first known when it first appeared in Europe, which was then given to the British Ambassador in Thailand in the 18th century.

 Siamese cats have a slender body, long tail, blue eyes, short fur, and have dark spots.  Not only that, this Siamese cat sounds soft, smart, and agile.  This cat is also very compassionate when you are responsive to their needs.

 The price of Siamese pet cats can touch the figure of tens of millions.

4. Ragdoll Cat.

Ragdoll cats come from the United States.  Named Ragdoll because it has a docile nature.  When you lift this type of pet cat looks weak and weak, just like a rag doll.

 For physical appearance Ragdoll cats are almost similar to Siamese and Persian cats.  His face is cute with round cheeks, calm, and compassionate.

 To maintain a Ragdoll cat, you have to provide a large enough space because Ragdoll cats like to play and be adventurous.  You also have to comb his hair often because it has thick fur similar to rabbits.

5. Maine Coon Cat.

Besides being famous, the Maine Coon cat is also one of the biggest cat breeds.  A very friendly nature is suitable to be a pet at home.  This type of cat can live with other types of cats, even though dogs.

 Female Maine Coon cats weigh up to 6 kg and males up to 8 kg.  But there are also those that exceed the weight.  The main attraction of the cat, the long tail and thick fur.

 The Maine Coon type cat is very intelligent and likes to be near humans.  Even they will enjoy your attention with a lot of "meowing" to respond.